Each Opera performance is the product of a long, arduous process involving hundreds of people across the world, working towards the singular goal of transformative musical storytelling. Due to the bespoke nature of the art form, Eugene Opera depends on support from individual donors like you, to facilitate the opera creation and production process.


Donations to the BRAVO! fund make it possible for Eugene Opera to engage the best and brightest artists from around the world, invest in developing artists here in the Pacific Northwest, and continue the operatic tradition in Lane County for generations to come. Your contribution to the BRAVO! fund makes the opera process possible by subsidizing performance fees, travel, housing, and equipment for our artists.

In a typical season, Eugene Opera employs over 125 performers, musicians, artists, and theatrical technicians, 75% of which are local artists living and working in the Eugene-Springfield area. Additionally, your financial support allows us to keep ticket costs down, so that this marvelous art form can remain financially accessible to all members of our community. 


One-Time Gift: Make your best tax-deductible gift today using our secure online form. Your one-time gift will support the many artists working in each Eugene Opera production.

Recurring Monthly Pledges: Become a Eugene Opera STAR! Choose a convenient monthly pledge using our secure online form to show your support throughout the entire year.

Community Tix: You can share the joy of opera with those who cannot afford to attend the opera through our Community Tix program. Your tax-deductible contribution enables an approved social service organization to bring clients and staff to one of our productions for free. Community Tix was the passion project of long-time volunteer Tony Meyer and has provided dozens of tickets to participating organizations like St. Vincent de Paul, Sponsors, and Womenspace.

In Honor or Memory: Make a gift in honor of family or friends and we will recognize the gift in our next production program.

Help make it happen — donate now!

Have other questions? Visit our FAQ page.


Other Ways to Give

Leave a Legacy

Support the future of opera - join the ENCORE! Society 

You appreciate the incomparable experience of live opera and care about keeping it alive in our community. You can make that commitment a part of your legacy. There are several ways to do that, and they’re not difficult.

Often, the largest and most meaningful gift anyone can make is a legacy gift. Many of us cannot afford to make a major gift in our lifetime. But we can set up bequests or beneficiary designations now so that Eugene Opera will receive our heartfelt gifts in the future.

Make a Bequest to Eugene Opera

Add a simple statement to your will or trust documents to make a gift. It can be as little as one sentence stating that you give Eugene Opera, Eugene, Oregon, a specified dollar amount or a percentage of the estate, to be used for its general purposes.

If you prefer your bequest to be used for a specific purpose, please discuss your wishes and phrasing with us to make sure that your gift will have the effect you intend.

Name Eugene Opera as a Beneficiary

You may prefer to manage your legacy planning through beneficiary designations. These are generally easy to establish, easy to revise or revoke if your plans change, and do not require any changes to your will or trust. Your legacy may bypass probate, simplifying the process for your heirs. Some options may have significant tax advantages.

  • Retirement plans
    You can name Eugene Opera as the sole or partial beneficiary in your retirement plans such as IRAs, 401(k) plans and 403(b) plans. This may avoid both income and estate tax, allowing you to leave your lower-taxed assets to your family.
  • Life insurance policies
    By naming Eugene Opera as the sole or partial beneficiary of your fully paid life insurance policy, you may be able to avoid estate tax on the proceeds.
  • Investment accounts
    Many investment accounts permit you to add a beneficiary or a “Transfer on Death” designee to your account. Your gift will pass directly to the Opera, bypassing probate.
  • Donor-advised funds
    Do you have a donor-advised fund? If so, consider naming Eugene Opera as your Charitable Beneficiary, which simply indicates your wish that any funds remaining in the account at your death be donated to Eugene Opera.

Contact your plan or account administrator to find out how to designate or add a beneficiary. It may be as simple as an online update or filling out a form.

Be Honored as an ENCORE! Society Member

Please be sure to let Eugene Opera know of your legacy plans. With your permission, you will be recognized in our Silva Hall production programs as a member of our ENCORE! Society, inspiring others to follow your example.

ENCORE! Society members may be eligible for customized benefits. To learn more, call 541-485-3985, or email us at info@eugeneopera.org.

Eugene Opera is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our EIN (tax id) is 93-0679959.

If you have any questions about the best way for you to include a legacy to Eugene Opera in your estate planning, contact your attorney or financial advisor. Eugene Opera cannot provide financial or tax advice.


Artist Homestays

Volunteer to host an opera artist!

Several times a year Eugene Opera brings extraordinary talent to Eugene. Each visiting opera artist needs a place to stay from the time rehearsals begin until the last curtain of the last performance comes down, usually about three weeks.

Would you like to know more about these people who devote their lives to music and their craft? Can you spare a guest room with access to a private bath for a few weeks? Can you offer modest kitchen and laundry privileges to someone who spends much time on the road? Would you like to witness the transformation from ordinary person to extraordinary performer?

If the answer is YES, then you might be just the person the Eugene Opera is looking for.

To explore this marvelous opportunity further to help Eugene Opera and our Eugene arts community, contact us at info@eugeneopera.org or 541-485-3985.