Benjamin Brady

Ben Brady


Recognized for his “sonorous tone” (SF Classical Voice), and his “commanding stage presence” (SF Gate), Ben Brady has quickly distinguished himself as a bass-baritone of prominent importance. He was last seen performing the role of Banco in Verdi’s Macbeth with West Bay OperaOther performances with West Bay Opera have included Zaccaria in Verdi’s Nabucco and Rocco in Beethoven’s Fidelio. Recent performances include Dottore Malatesta in Donizetti’s Don Pasquale at the Mendocino Music Festival, and the Page in Donizetti’s Roberto Devereux with the San Francisco Opera. Up and coming engagements include Colline in La Boheme with Opera Modesto, as well as joining the North State Symphony for a Beethoven Ninth. Ben will also perform the role of Dulcamara in L’elisir D’amore with Cal Baptist University this season.  

In 2018 Ben was awarded the Audience Favorite and First Place awards in the Tier II Category of the James Toland Vocal Arts competition in Oakland, CA. Later that year he was selected to advance to Regionals in the San Francisco District of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Awards. In 2020 he was selected to be a semifinalist for the Metropolitan Opera National Council Awards.  

Ben had the honor of participating in the Merola Young Artist Program at San Francisco Opera, and was invited to participate in the program again in 2021. In 2022 he covered Don Basilio in The Barber of Seville as a Santa Fe Opera Apprentice Artist and returns this summer to sing Sciarone in Tosca and the physician in Pelléas et Mélisande, and cover Arkel in Pelléas et Mélisande as a second-year Apprentice.

Originally from Denver, Colorado, he received his BM in Vocal Performance at the University of Michigan.